Armenian officials visit the line-of-contact

Between 29 and 31 December, high-level officials in both Armenia, as well as de facto Nagorno Karabakh (NK) visited Armenian troops deployed on the line-of-contact (LoC). The general aim of the visits was to boost morale during the holiday season and carry out a final evaluation of living as well as military-operational conditions for the end of the year.

  • 29 December: NK’s Prime Minister, Grigori Martirosyan, visited troops at a military housing installation, subsequently visiting troops in the trenches near the northeastern segment of the LoC. He was accompanied by NK’s Defence minister, Karen Abrahamyan.
  • 30 December: NK President, Bako Sahakyan, visited military installations and positions along the southern segment of the LoC, near Jebrail, also accompanied by the de facto entity’s Defence minister. Also mentioned in the official statement, a new cultural centre, opened last year hosted an event for the high-profile visitors.
  • 31 December: Armenia’s Defence minister, Davit Tonoyan, along with his NK counterpart, visited troops on the northern segment of the LoC, known for its high mountain ranges reaching altitudes of over 3,000 metres. Additionally mentioned, the two visited an armoured mechanised unit serving the central operational segment.

Official photos of the three visits

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