Footage and satellite imagery from the past several months highlight demolitions of ethnic-Armenian churches, homes, residential buildings and even a village in Nagorno Karabakh. The demolitions were carried out by Azerbaijan’s government, now fully in control of the territory. The entire Armenian population of 120,000 fled to Armenia properContinue Reading

On 24 May, 2024, Armenia’s Defence Ministry reported that the country’s prime minister nominated five colonels to be promoted to the rank of major general. This is one of the highest numbers of officers promoted to such ranks in one act in recent years. These career advancements possibly indicate loyalty,Continue Reading

On 12 August 2021, Turkey’s Defence Ministry tweeted photos of yearly Caucasus Eagle 2021 (Tr. Kavkaz Kartalı-21) military drills in which the special forces of Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan (separately mentioned from Azerbaijan) took part. The exercises were aimed at boosting cooperation and coordination between their forces. The officialContinue Reading

Azerbaijan´s Defence Ministry has officially taken out the Ceasefire Violations section of its webpage, showing since at least 2012. Below one can find reported ceasefire information as mentioned by the Azeri authorities between 1 January 2018 and 26 September 2020, reflecting both the border with Armenia and the line-of-contact withContinue Reading