In October of 2018, a series of military drills took place in Nakhichevan aimed at coordinating operations between Nakhichevan’s local military with other militarised institutions in the planning of operations and the managing of personnel. A specialised radar system, the RP-10, was tested out during the drills, which is operableContinue Reading

Recent changes on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan bring to light a new development. Between December 2018 and April 2018, military positions from both sides were extended, in one case apparently into Georgian territory,  and modified highlighting the ongoing tension between the two states. Location of border outpost modificationsContinue Reading

According to official notifications from the Azeri and Nagorno Karabakh Defence Ministries, as well as each’s respective Foreign Ministry, the OSCE Minsk Group has conducted 104 ceasefire monitoring missions at military outposts along the line-of-contact that separates Nagorno Karabakh (officially called the Republic of Artsakh) and Azerbaijan, and along theContinue Reading

What lies behind the military exercises conducted by Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia and why does each one publish the kinds of information on this matter that it publishes? Considering the official publications of the respective defence ministries of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh, and considering the particular circumstances andContinue Reading

Little is known about the defence industry in Armenia. Local private, public and semi-public  companies that produce, investigate, test out products destined for the Armenian Armed Forces tend to be quite conservative in regard to public announcements, however, the industry seems to be very active and booming. Compared with Azerbaijan’sContinue Reading

In recent months there has been much talk of Azeri State Border Service (SBS) troops replacing Armed Forces troops at military positions along a segment of the Azerbaijan-Armenia border, precisely a segment near the cities of Qazakh and Agstafa. SBS troops came to man military positions in mid-December, leaving theContinue Reading

On 26 December apparently two incidents took place: Baku claims Armenian’s opened fire on a cemetery near the village of Mireşelli, wounding an elderly woman; Stepanakert on the other hand claims there was a shootout at an Azeri military outpost between Azeri soldiers in the same area that resulted in eitherContinue Reading

Recently a few articles were published on the authorities in Baku building up military forces in the province, or how it is officially known, the Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan. This region of Azerbaijan, which is also the stronghold of current President Ilham Aliyev’s Nakhichevani elite, borders Armenia to the southwestContinue Reading