Source: “Activists, Local Residents Rally in David Gareji Monastery”, CIVIL.GE, 06 MAY 2019   *all opinions expressed are those of the original author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or stance of Nagorno Karabakh Observer.    Several hundred civic activists and local residents gathered in the premises of David Gareji MonasteryContinue Reading

Source: Abrahamyan, Eduard “Rationalizing the Tonoyan Doctrine: Armenia’s Active Deterrence Strategy”, Eurasia Daily Monitor,  Vol. 16 Issue 64, 02 MAY 2019 *all opinions expressed are those of those of the original author. Even as Armenia and Azerbaijan have intensified their diplomatic contacts over the future status of the latter’s breakawayContinue Reading

SOURCE: KALFAYAN, PHILLIPPE RAFFI “The Minsk Process: Behind the Words and Principles”, The Armenian Mirror-Spectator, 07 MAR 2019 *all opinions expressed are those of those of the original author.   The new Armenian government claims positive developments in the settlement process of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, and officials offer smiling facesContinue Reading

SOURCE: “Iran’s Ghassemi: Neighbours are our priorities in foreign policy”, IRAN PRESS, 03 MAR 2019   Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Bahram Ghassemi criticised the unauthorised banners displayed at Ararat club, and reassured that Tehran still supports its principled solution for Nagorno-Karabakh conflict which is based on dialogue and international laws. BahramContinue Reading

SOURCE: “Karabakh dispute must be settled through dialog: Iran”, PRESS TV, 03 MAR 2019   Iran has reiterated that it pursues a “transparent” policy toward the dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Karabakh region, stressing the importance of finding a peaceful resolution to the issue through diplomatic channels. “TheContinue Reading

SOURCE: “Armenia changing its approach to settlement of Karabakh conflict”, JAM News, 01 MAR 2019   Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says that, in terms of compromises in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan must take the first step. Pashinyan made these remarks while on his official visit toContinue Reading

SOURCE: Broers, Laurence “How Ready Are Armenia and Azerbaijan for Peace?”, Chatham House: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 24 JAN 2019 How Ready Are Armenia and Azerbaijan for Peace? 24 January 2019 De-escalatory measures and new faces are shaking up the moribund peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But to makeContinue Reading

The Armenian military news platform published losses in the Armenian and Azeri military for 2018. According to, sources of the informationare based on news reports (mainly for the Armeian side) and social media monitoring (mainly for the Azeri side, as news on military losses is not normally published). ArmenianContinue Reading