In late 2017, Azerbaijan showed off for the first time military hardware produced and acquired from the Czech Republic. Later investigations showed that the RM-70 122mm multi-launch rockets and Dana 152mm self-propelled artillery systems were transferred via flights through Israel, bypassing direct arms exports from a European Union country toContinue Reading

On 19 January 2018, media outlets started publishing the first photos on an Russian arms transfer of BTR-80 armoured personnel carriers and other military equipment to Azerbaijan. On the same day, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry published its news brief on the transfer, stating that military equipment has been received and will beContinue Reading

  A recent investigation by private sources in Azerbaijan reveal that at least 59 Azeri servicemen were killed in the year 2017.  Although information on military deaths remains a state secret, an analysis of social networks and personal interviews revealed that at least 19 of these were killed in combat,Continue Reading

  The location of Azerbaijan’s S-300s remained unknown for some time. It was assumed that they would be located near Baku to protect the Azerbaijani capital, along with its oil and military infrastructure from possible Armenian missiles in the case of all-out war. Experts also highlighted the fact that theContinue Reading

  At the end of September of this year, Armenian Defence Minister Vigen Sargsyan held talks with Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Security and Eastern Affairs Bartosz Cichocki. Armenian-Polish cooperation in defence matters and Armenia’s military-industrial development were discussed at the talks. Cichocki highlighted to journalists that Warsaw has offeredContinue Reading

SOURCE: Prague Daily Monitor 29 September 2017 The Czech arms which recently appeared in a video promotion of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces may have reached the country across Israel, the daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) writes on Wednesday. The Bulgarian server speculates that disassembled weapons may have been transported into IsraelContinue Reading

On 11 September 2017 Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman received his Azeri counterpart, General Zakir Hasanov, in what was the first official visit of Azerbaijan’s Defence Minister to the country. Although the Israeli Defence Ministry has yet to officially comment on the visit, Azerbaijan’s Defence authorities released a brief statement, mentioning that during theContinue Reading

“The ability to conduct [military] operations in a nocturnal setting is very important, but a general modernisation programme even more so…”, thus spoke Armenia’s Deputy Defence Minister Davit Pakhchanian in an exclusive interview to local press. Pakhchanian spoke about new the new perspectives of Armenia’s growing defence industry, including futureContinue Reading

As announced beforehand, on 04 September 2017, Armenia’s Defence Minister Vigen Sargsyan (with no relation to President Sargsyan) paid an official visit to the Peoples Republic of China, where he met with the country’s Defence Minister, Chang Wanquan. The two sides signed and concluded a bilateral agreement for  $1,5 millionContinue Reading

Sources from within Azerbaijan were able to access the area affected by the blast of Azerbaijan’s biggest ammunition depot in the moments that followed the blast on 27 August 2017. The following show debris scattered in the areas adjacent to the blast, some a few kilometres from the centre ofContinue Reading

An explosion has rocked Azerbaijan’s biggest ammunition depot today in Syazan region near the capital Baku, as a result, officially six people have been hospitalised with no fatalities. Some sources from inside the country have confirmed several fatalities, however the country’s military authorities have not commented on any fatalities. TheContinue Reading