According to an official statement from the de facto Nagorno Karabakh (NK) defence authorities, on 18 March armoured units of the armed forces participated in a series of drills at an undisclosed location aimed at applying theoretical knowledge obtained during training on the battlefield. The notification also highlighted that importanceContinue Reading

On 15 February, Azeri Defence officials announced in a rare statement about the death of serviceman Seymur Alaskerov as a result of cross border fire. The exact location was not officially announced, with the statement stating an area near the “frontline” (sic), which could include not only the line-of-contact betweenContinue Reading

Reports of two Armenian soldiers, one wounded and one killed in separate incidents were made public these past two days by the de facto Nagorno Karabakh’s (NK) Defence Ministry. The first incident, took place at 02.55 hours on 28 January, when serviceman Nver Avetisyan suffered a non-life-threatening gunshot wound atContinue Reading

On 28 January, high-ranking officials from de facto Nagorno Karabakh (NK) as well as Armenia were present during the opening ceremony for new military installations in northern NK. NK President Bako Sahakyan, NK Defence Minister Karen Abrahamyan and presidential advisor Arshavir Gharamyan received Armenian Defence Minister Davit Tonoyan, Prime MinisterContinue Reading

A series of preparation drills took place at a military base in the northeastern part of Nagorno Karabakh, in the region locally known as Martakert. The drills, according to official sources, involved the exhibition of military methods and techniques, the general exchange of ideas in what was characterised as aContinue Reading

According to official reports, between 28 and 29 January, a series of meetings and visits with the participation of high-ranking military and state officials took place in de facto Nagorno Karabakh (NK). It is worth nothing that 28 January is marked as a national holiday in both Armenia and NK,Continue Reading

An incident at a military base on the northern segment of the line-of-contact (LoC) between de facto Nagorno Karabakh (NK) and Azerbaijan left two servicemen injured. No details were officially provided on the incident, but the two servicemen, Henry Zakaryan and Armen Mesropyan, received gunshot injuries, the former is reportedContinue Reading

On 21 January, the Nagorno Karabakh Defence Ministry reported the death of 39-year-old serviceman Artur Nalbandyan at military outpost on the northern mountainous segment of the line-of-contact (LoC). Further news reports detailed that Nalbandyan had died as a result of a fall. (1, 2) The incident is currently being investigated,Continue Reading

According to an official statement from the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) Defence officials, more military installations were opened in the northeastern and central parts of the de facto territory. The installations will serve support troops in the rear-guard as well as other unspecified military units.  The content of the official statementContinue Reading